About The Book

Brief Book Description

The Catholic Faith in Easy Terms is a helpful manual to teach in Catholic schools, to be used in Sunday schools, to deepen a personal knowledge of the Catholic faith, to expose the true Catholic faith to non-Catholics, and to evangelize. It is an explanation of what the Catholic Church truly believes, not what people sometimes mistakenly THINK the Catholic Church’s faith is (Fr. Anthony Nachef, PhD (STD) internationally promotes this book "The Catholic Faith in Easy Terms" published in 6 languages).

"The People of God, the most humble, the small and marginalized, will find in this book a very valuable help in order to know how to give a reason for their faith and hope, in the face of the current avalanche of Relativism, or in the face of fundamentalist and unfair proselytism that knocks on our doors every day"

-Archbishop Felipe Aguirre Franco, Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur

Fr. Anthony Nachef, PhD (STD) internationally promotes this book "The Catholic Faith in Easy Terms" published in 6 languages.

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